Yes, pretty spiky, aren't they? They are pretty lethal and i am sure they kick ass. They are not my new in slip-ons. These babies are pretty old actually. I got them last winter and i still haven't worn them even once. It was a sweet and thoughtful gift from the man-friend considering the fact that it was a trend that was all over everywhere and he thought i was craving for these. Well, i was. But i never got the chance to wear them anywhere. By chance, you know what i mean. Yes, i was lazy enough not to experiment with these. I never thought they would be my go-to slip on, that's all. Its edgy and in my third year of college i was more in my relax- i-am-going-to-get-fucked-in-life-anyways phase. Not edgy. So i kept them away and totally forgot about them until i cleaned my gazillion shoe boxes last night. Seeing them so clean and nicely wrapped, oh dear! that was a damn nice sight, my friends. 

Then i thought- now i need some edgy in my life. Hell, yea. Also now that i have no shoes even though i have 10 that i can easily see right now to wear for the winters, maybe i should try to wearing these more often. (it doesn't matter if they try to kill/hurt people who literally get in my way. Hah!) 

Maybe this winters i will take them out for a spin. Maybe if they didnt look so fierce and lethal i would have already taken them out for a spin. Well, nowadays, lethal is good. Esp in Delhi. 

Love these shoes though. 


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